In the last 5 years, Uttar Pradesh saw the highest growth in electric rickshaw sales. Electric rickshaw prices in Uttar Pradesh start at Rs 1,00,000 and go up to Rs 1,50,000. The top e-rickshaw companies in Uttar Pradesh are Mini Metro, Panther, Badshah, ELE, Diamond, and many other brands. To promote electric vehicles, the Uttar Pradesh government is also giving a 100% exemption on electric vehicle registration fees and road tax. Many companies started e-rickshaw manufacturing in Uttar Pradesh. Here we have listed all the top e-rickshaw companies in Uttar Pradesh.
Mini Metro EV LLP is a famous e-rickshaw manufacturer in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. They have a big manufacturing plant near Meerut. Mini Metro offers a wide range of e-rickshaws, like electric rickshaws, e-rickshaw Rickshaw Loader, and garbage loaders. Below are the basic facts about the Mini Metro E Rickshaw.
Unique International is a reputed manufacturer and supplier of high-quality and durable electric vehicles like e-rickshaws and e-loaders. They manufacture e-rickshaws Rickshaw the brand name Panther. Below are the details of the Panther E Rickshaw manufacturer.
Hotage Corporation India is a leading company in Uttar Pradesh in e-rickshaw manufacturing and fabrication work. They build high-quality and durable electric vehicles like e-rickshaws and E loader the brand name Badshah. Below are the details of the Badshah E Rickshaw Manufacturer.
Greaves Cotton Limited is a diversified engineering company and a leading manufacturer of Cleantech Powertrain Solutions (CNG, Petrol, and Diesel Engines), Generator Sets, Farm Equipment, E-Mobility, Aftermarket Spares, and Services. They are manufacturing E-rickshaws under the brand name ELE Electric. Below are the basic details of the ELE E Rickshaw Company.
A.V. Automotives Private Limited is a premier manufacturer and dealer of electric rickshaws in India. They are manufacturing electric rickshaws in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. Below are the basic details of the Diamond E Rickshaw Manufacturer.